Thursday 22 October 2009

New GSCE English 2010

In preparing for the new GCSE English Specification, we are thrilled that AQA have encorporated lots of fun e-realted learning tools- for us to use in the classroom!

have a play, what do you think?


first go at voki

Well, having go at voki and etherpad was very fascinating. I can definitely see the potential for encouraging creativity with pupils.


Another Voki

new digital anthology for 2010- lt's wonderful!

hello all- there is a wondeful new anthology beng created with wizard activities like choptalk/ magent/ wordbox-
you'll find an exmple of what you can a poem by going to the digital anthology link on the AQA 2010 Ready website- you'll find a poem called Praise Sog for my Motherwith some delightful electronic activites-try it out- it's fun!

experimenting!!Hi Roopa! thanks for showing us aboit

Hi Roopa! thanks for showing us how to blog it!! it looks like good fun. ill give this a try after half term. Thanks again! Steph xx

My First Voki

Thursday 1 October 2009

Live! Magazine.

Chenai Takundwa, who has just joined Year 12 at Tallis, is one of the editors of Live! Magazine, a brilliant youth run enterprise that is based in Brixton. We are considering setting up a branch of Live! at Tallis and are looking for budding journalists, designers, photographers, editors, writers etc. I've posted the flyer above. Emma Warren, the co-ordinator of the magazine, is also a Tallis parent so the links are already quite strong.

Please encourage anyone you know who might be interested to contact Mr Nicholls (or Chenai). We will be having our first meeting soon so watch this space. Here's a short video about the magazine and the Live! Futures project.