Friday 25 September 2009

Tallis lab seeking collaborators in English

Hi English teachers,

I currently have two year 8 groups working with me on Tallis Lab. We are in the process of working out how we can use new media and the web to make, share and reflect in a creative way. Pretty soon the students will have their own blogs, and ultimately their own websites. They also already have, or will shortly have a google Tallis Lab email that allows you to email whole class groups and also to use all of the free google docs applications. We already have class blogs that can be used to post links, news, films, audio etc. and students are learning how to email content in various forms so that it appears on the blog. You can check out the 8AW blog (ignore all the 'it works mail' - that's the students saying that they can post entries from home)

So if you teach 8AO or 8AW and you'd like to collaborate on a project then get in touch.


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